I have a little acceptance speech prepared around here somewhere... now where did I put that?
Oh it doesn't matter... I'll just shoot from the hip here. Can you hear me in the back?
I won the Random Blogger Award this week.
Thanks Tia of HSBCompanyBlog for the hat tipping! Much love to you!
It is probably the only time being random is a good thing!
As we speak, a special song is being written in my honor...
and a statue of my head has already been placed in front of The Old Schoolhouse company building. I preferred it to be made of marble, but I was told it was going to be alabaster instead. Oh well, what can you do?
I'll probably be the top story on the news tonight. Make sure you tape it!
Seriously though, thanks HSBCompanyBlog and Tia Linschied, Senior Editor!!