We live in Oregon. I have three children ranging from 12 years and to a baby.
Homeschooling was a natural progression of events. We were already doing that after school! As a family that already had a lifestyle of learning, it just made sense. We made the decision to homeschool through highschool and beyond. No turning back.
Homeschooling was a natural progression of events. We were already doing that after school! As a family that already had a lifestyle of learning, it just made sense. We made the decision to homeschool through highschool and beyond. No turning back.
I am eclectic in approach to education. Mostly I am Charlotte Mason & Ruth Beechick. Often we go on science or history ‘rabbit trails’ in our love-of-learning adventure! As chaotic as it may sound, it really isn’t and it works for us. Often I write our curricula. We go to the library a lot. Usually, once a week.
I have used all kinds of curricula. With my children’s age ranges, structuring shared HSing can be tricky. But that is their favorite way to learn... * together *. Cool!
I have used lots of wonderful and not-so-wonderful curricula.
Some of my favorites: My Father’s World, CLP’s Studying God’s Word series, Writing Strands, Apologia’s elementary science series by Jeannie Fulbright and notebooking/lapbooking. We emphasize a deep relationship with the Lord, bible reading, modesty, and godly character.
My husband and I believe that homeschooling is really family discipleship.
My husband and I believe that homeschooling is really family discipleship.
We consider that a high calling.
We are accountable and will not trust someone else to do that job for us.