I am still in the vein of trying to get organized, plan my year out and streamline
what I feel I am capable of. (Hah! )
On that embarassing note, I am including an article here I found today.
Their printables are much better than DonnaYoung.org has, in my opinion.
Cuter, too.
OrganizedHome printables: Printable Planner Forms for Home Management
More great links at the end of the article. Without further ado....
Household Notebook: Planner for an Organized Home
(in other words...NOT ME "HOMEFree")
Personal organizers are hot, hot, hot. Smart home managers tackle time management and goal setting with the help of an all-in-one calendar, scheduling and information retrieval tool.
Families need a organizer, too! Whether it's called a household notebook, a home management binder or family organizer, this simple idea saves time, cuts stress, and enhances communication in any-sized family or household.
A standard-sized binder stocked with calendars and schedules, planner forms and inventories, a Household Notebook creates a one-stop information center for busy families. Whether it's a carpool schedule or a co-worker's phone number, the Household Notebook holds the information you need to check each day.
Ready for an evening out? Flip the Notebook open to the "Emergency Information" page, and the babysitter will always know where to find you.
Time for dinner? Menu planners, recipe organizers and shopping list make it easy to feed the family night after night. Clean house fast with cleaning schedules, chore lists and seasonal checklists for home maintenance.
Stay-at-home parents and homeschool families add scheduling features to the Household Notebook. Daily morning and evening checklists and family schedules make it easy to organize life in busy families with small children.
Ready to create your own Household Notebook? Click the links below for more information about making and using a Household Notebook ... to get organized at home.