
Teaching using a BOOK AS A SPINE

 This is a subject I have taught workshops on to help the homeschool community home educate for free.

In this post I have some "overviews" that can be used as a guide for you to use to teach from. Like a spine. These are just guides, as all curricula and teacher manuals are only a tool for us to use.(See my other post on this subject.)

The one from Heart Of Wisdom is very good. I say that especially because it also incorporates science. A nice blessing!

All overviews and especially chronological teaching should, in my opinion, use a timeline. Some families will post one along their hallway or make a big long fold up one (accordian style).

These are mostly based on a four year rotation, as is popular in current education.

Four Year plan

Four Year plan

Four year plan

Four Year plan for high school

Four Year living book list sequence

Overview plan

Overview plan

Overview plan

Overview plan year by year


Overview – editable

* * * * If you like these kinds of posts, please check out my other blog that focuses just on homeschooling on a dime:

Inspired To Learn 


Edited to add: I get a ton of "hits" on this post. An unbelievable amount! But no comments?