
Highschool home education


Girl after God


We sat our oldest down at the beginning of last year and discussed with her four plans of action for her highschool career.


1. Prepare for ivy league school

2. Prepare for college/university

3. Prepare for vocational school

4. Prepare for no additional education


A "light" highschool plan was not offered to her and we explained that we will not permit that option.


With option 4, we stressed to her that she may choose to do this, but we will strive to make her home-education very strong-- in light of the fact that it will, in theory, be the last formal education she has.


All these avenues require a certain perspective to travel on.

Just food for thought.


Or an intro class is a good idea. Whatever route we as home educating families choose to go, I think that at the very least a sober discussion on their options and a general layout of classes or credits or something should be presented. The student should know what to expect and be an active part of the planning and goal setting.

home educate for the future