
Review of My Father's World curriculum



Review of My Father's World curriculum unit study

We did MFW Adventures a couple years ago. I even had my then 6th grader do it with my son (then 7yrs old). Consequently, she was doing two separate history 'classes', but she loved it.
We did not do any baking, but some of the recipes were pretty cool and we have plans to make those ones.
The state coloring we did was fun. Instead of using the Dover book they use (with special copying allowance given by Dover) we used United States Coloring Book by Rod & Staff. We did have the Dover book in our currculum kit, however, I liked the idea of both my children having their own book to color in and not photocopies. This ended up being cheaper for us than copying that many pages... at only $3 for each book, too. (
I felt the science was a little "young". Maybe my children were just more advanced in science-y things. (Not trying to sound like my kids are geniuses! They just read a LOT of science books on the free time.) Because I felt that MFW science was light, we kind of winged science for the year. I would pick a subject like space and then we would learn about it by checking out library books and such.
We had a great time. There is a yahoogroup for mfw, MFWfamilies. Even one specifically for Adventures! I recommend you sign up there. Also there is a forum that is the best curriculum specific one I ever saw at the site. (
It is a great program. We did not do any years after that as I did not like the emphasis on greek philosophies that were in Creation To The Greeks.

But, I do like ECC (Exploring Countries & Cultures) and bought it to use this last year- however, with potty training and a newborn... the thought of doing most any mom-involved-education was not realistic for me and I still have ECC sitting here unused. Sigh...
One of the best things I learned from My Father's World?
The book basket!
Wow! Every book written for the "new homeschooler" & every website catering to new homeschoolers, should tell people about this concept. I had not heard about it the whole time I had been homeschooling, although I did do a version of it myself before. MFW has a homerun here!
I do not agree with the statement that "MFW Adventures is full of busywork" that I heard someone make some time ago. Personally, I hate busywork and do not assign it.

If you do go with My Father's World, any "year" unit study, make sure you make the student copies all at the beginning of the year like they say to do in the teacher instructions at the beginning of your manual.



Our year with MFW Adventures was our most fun year homeschooling so far. But highly educational at the same time. How cool can it get?


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