
Resource Library

For New Homeschoolers
Can we really do this? What about testing, socialization, finding resources? What's unschooling? Basic questions answered!
HEM's Q&A Column
Reader Home Education Magazine's popular Questions and Answer Column. Edited by Laura Weldon.
Teaching and Learning
Wondering what to teach and how to teach it? Should you teach or just "facilitate learning?" Readin', writin', 'rithmetic and more!
Older Homeschoolers
Is it harder to homeschool older kids, or does it get easier as they take more responsibility for their own learning? And what about work or college?
Foundations Of Freedom
Who's changing homeschooling laws, and why? What about testing, OBE, research, school-to-work, curfews, truancy, and misguided lawsuits?
Special Situations
Military and foreign homeschooling. Special needs. ADD, ADHD, LD and other forms of alphabet soup. Resources and information.
Networking and Communications
Articles about support groups, national organizations, online networks, conferences and more.
Support Groups and Organizations
Where can I find a support group thats right for us? How about a
National or International Organization?

Index of Information Files
An index of free files available via email: Starting out, homeschooling dads, unschooling, high school years, college admissions and more.


Vision, convictions, and wisdom

Christian families suffer today because they fail to capture the hearts of their children. Too often they fail to communicate vision, convictions, and wisdom to their children. In the battle between pagan culture and the Christian family culture, paganism often wins. The sad response is that too many Christian parents simply give up. Others set their goals so low that their best strategy is simply to see their children “survive” a little bit longer, or to lose the battle for the generations as slowly as possible.

To achieve victory, first you must seek it.

In the battle for the family, this means making God-honoring and strategic choices which cultivate an environment of honor, faithfulness to Christ, and generational- minded strategic choices. (Doug Phillips)

For more:  Victory For Your Family

Family praying together