
Just call me June Cleaver


yeah.... right

My day begins at exactly 5am each day.

I wake already wearing a smile and ready to face my day! My hair is perfect with no gray stragglers in sight and I barely need to run a brush through it before I splash a little water on my wrinkle free face. No make up needed, of course.

After I iron a blouse and skirt to wear, I put on nylons and heels and make my way to my Bible and read uninterrupted for at least 30 minutes.

I go downstairs at 6am to find my joyful children up, dressed and reading the Bibles or praying. We exchange good morning kisses and I go to get the little ones up and change diapers. I throw a load of laundry in and starch my husband's shirt before packing his lunch.

My cheerful husband enters the kitchen as I am just finishing cooking him a heart healthy and tasty breakfast. He sits at the table with the children discussing today's Proverb and asking about yesterday's history lessons. After breakfast, everyone waits at the door with Daddy's coat and briefcase to kiss him before he leaves for work.

The rest of us gather our school books promptly and sit at the table to pray before beginning our homeschool portion of the day, which is sure to be peaceful, godly, interesting, motivating and memorable.  


Yeah right. :)

We are far from anything like that!



  1. Hey, head over to ByHisGraceInColorado.

    She is having a contest, and the prize is one of my books!!!


  2. Hey, that sound JUST like our home! You can even see a picture of me in my heels and pearls on my blog! Hurray for happy homes, and for grace, even when they're not quite so picture perfect!

    Hope to see you Friday!

