
Mission control.... this is Major Mom

I don't think it is greatly important to have a school name, although it has helped us in different small ways.

BUT--  having a mission statement has been foundational. We are committed to homeschool all of our children, without government help, to the end. A mission statement reminds us of our on a mission


We chose a mission statement AND a bible verse. From there we decided on a name. We also took into consideration our strong beliefs and any family or area characteristics. We live in Oregon, so it is very green, rainy, flowery, mountainous and has a lot of creeks and rivers. We are also "spirit-filled".


Here is what we have posted on our door:


Our mission in homeschooling is...

to raise our children to desire a deep relationship with the Lord, to be spiritually wise, knowledgeable and well skilled in areas that will contribute to their personal life mission, and develop vision, godly character and compassion for the lost- in the comfort and protection of their own home.


" a tree that is planted near water.

It sends out it's roots beside a river.

It is not afraid when heat comes. It's leaves are always green

It does not worry when there is no rain.

It always bears fruit."

Jer 17:8


Our homeschool name is Riverside Bible Academy and we feel that this name reflects the mission and scripture we are using.



  1. I love the idea of a verse for your homeschool! Leave it to the clergy family to miss that one! ;)

    While we don't have a mission statement per se, we do have a list of goals in each major area of schooling. I've found them really helpful when I start feeling like I'm messing everything up.

    Nice to see you back!


  2. That same Bible verse has gotten me through a lot this year. Through it God has given me comfort, direction and hope.

  3. That same Bible verse has gotten me through a lot this year. Through it God has given me comfort, direction and hope. ~Sarah
