
Red Hot Mamas



These gals are seriously not to be taken serious!

Just reading about them should make us want to be more silly and have fun.

WHO THEY ARE:  The ZANY Red Hot Mamas are nothing but unique, capturing the hearts of all ages  The group is composed of women with a Genuine Zest for Life, who are over 30, a MaMa, GrandMaMa, Great GrandMaMa, OR just plain Great!  The Queen Mama is currently 80 years young, with most members ranging in age from 30 to 60 ( But don't try guessing which ones are over 60 unless you can run real fast!!)  The inspirational double amputee Drum Major is everyone's hero.  Hi-Spirited, Vibrant, Full of Fun, and definitely: ONE-OF-A-KIND!!              (Click for pictures)

WHAT THEY ARE:  The Red Hot Mama Parade Unit is a dance/drill team featuring strollers, milk jugs, mops, shopping carts, or any other idea we get.  The combination of drill team precision and outrageous costumes cause a Rip Roarin' Riot wherever we go. The theatrical group produces musical/comedy shows, and is well known for spoofs such as "The Blues Mothers", "Rappin Mama", "Riverprance" and "Rebah Man I'm Tired", as well as infamous ballets to Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky.  Singing, Dancing and "hold onto your aching stomach" laughter abound.

THEIR EXPERIENCE:  Their "showcase" performance is the 2006 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and it was their honor to be invited by the president to the 54th and 55th Inaugural Parade in Washington, D.C. They appeared on Good Morning America, The Today Show, MTV and ABC's Nightline.  The London, England New Year's Day Performance is their "crowning" glory. They have performed in a variety of parades and festivals nationwide over the past 10 years including the Philadelphia Independence Day Parade, Hershey Centennial Anniversary, Fiesta and Holiday Bowls, Seattle Seafair, Boise Riverfest, The Portland Rose Festival and Spokane's Lilac Festival.  Many stage performances have been donated to fundraisers such as Red Cross Relief Fund, Habitat for Humanity, American Cancer Society, Cancer Community Charities, Children's Village, Service Organizations and Retirement Communities. 


  1. Those gals look like they're having fun! I'll bet you they have auditions, though, and they're all singers, dancers, and gymnasts in their former lives.... ha


  2. To cute!

    Just thought I would stop in and say has been a long time!

    So Hello!!
