
Spine Book teaching – making your own curriculum the easy way

Maybe you have heard of teaching using a book as a spine? 

I am surprised at how easy this is and love it. 

Teaching this way can open up your homeschool to develop a real love of learning and save you plenty of money at the same time. 
Unfortunately, there is not really any information on "how" to use a book as a spine. I've taught how to do this in person to groups and conferences but maybe I need to do a video to share with the world.
I did find this link here below. Hopefully it will shed some light. It is a little like mind mapping (an abstract way of doing an outline) and inspires creativity… even if you are not the creative type.

My own post on the subject:
Teaching Using A Book As A Spine ... awesome homeschooling on the cheap!

Another writer on the subject:
Teaching Using A Spine


Check out my blog on these and 100's of other FREE homeschool curriculum ideas, methods, ebooks and textbooks.

Inspiring To Learn

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