
Put your heart in a stocking



It seems every year I always hear about the struggle people have with either celebrating Christmas or not and then there is always the Great Santa Debate.

I won't even get into the whole Resurrection Sunday vs Resurrection Sunday debate or the Tooth Faerie.

The issue with Saint Nicholas, I think, stems from taking the focus off of the Lord. As the sayings go: Keep Christ in Christmas and Jesus is the reason for the season.
Boy, I can I agree with that!

What do I think about Saint Nicholas? We do not shun Santa Claus. Although I certainly can understand why people wSanta worshipping Jesusould. He has become a small part of our celebrating. We talk about him as a person who was worshipful toward Jesus and how he celebrated Jesus' birth with giving. We talk about him that he lived way back when and gave gifts in a similar manner we see in scripture. The Father God gave His only Son. The wise men gave in worship to Jesus. Jesus gave of Himself. And that is why we play the Santa game (leaving a surprise gift over night). Everyone knows it is a game and not a "real person" visiting in the night. Materialism and coveting are not ever an issue. A spirit of joy, giving and thankfulness fills our hearts. It is merely a side note in our celebrating. Jesus truly is the center. Jesus is the gift.

I am so happy to have children that truly do celebrate the Lord and the true meaning of this season. What a blMake your heart a gift back to Jesus!essing they are. Each year (actually, all year) I see them desire to give to the less fortunate and pray over our gift and the recipient's life and family before giving it to them. Not only does the person(s) receive a gift, but they also receive prayers of salvation and blessings. Again, Jesus being the gift.

I hope I am finding you turning your heart fully over to the Lord this month. He loves you so much. Remember, He sent His Son just for you.


  1. We still aren't sure what we're doing for christmas! but thanks for saying I am worth your time. ; )



  2. I wanted to wish you a blessed Christmas season with your precious family! I know you have shared how challenging life is right now ... and I do hope you are finding bits of JOY in the midst of the trials....


