
A Thankful heart

Thankful heart

A great deal of my time, that is not spent being a wife and mama, is spent encouraging and ministering to women. Especially Christian women. The Lord keeps putting ladies in my life who need His love and His encouragement. I love being used this way.

Lately, I have had some very difficult things going on in my own life. In the midst of it all I find my faith is weak - which never happens. I also find myself all poured out with barely anything to bless others. Naturally, I have stepped back and am focussing on my family.

Isn't it wonderful when you find yourself in the middle of the fire- to find that there are others holding out their hand to help you along? I have had so many people genuinely concerned for my family and I. They have said they are praying. Even here on HSB. My friends here have prayed. Thank you so much. Your love and encouragement means a great deal to me and I can certainly feel it. It is very moving to me and has touched me deeply.

This Thanksgiving season, I feel myself very grateful... thank full... for my friends- wherever they may be. God bless you mightily as you rest in His mercy, grace and peace that passes all understanding.

What ever you do, do it for the glory of the Lord!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear your faith is feeling weak. You probably know this and are already doing it.....but this could be a time to take time off maybe from ministering so much, and just immerse yourself in His Word. "Faith comes from hearing the Word....." I'm so glad to hear that you have so many around you to support and pray for you all. I believe that God loves your little girl more than any of us can even imagine.....I hope you'll be able to find some rest in that.


    I'm glad you enjoyed the comic. I think it's probably my favorite. Get out your lipstick, eh?

  2. Praying for you...

  3. Hi! I haven't been "visiting" for just weeks and weeks. It was nice to visit your " place."

    Praying for the Lord to strengthen you, and glad you are Thank Full. Me, too.


  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog and encouraging us in 4h! We are still sort of new to a lot of it so it means a lot to me to hear from you and your enthusiasm for the program.


    - Christine

  5. Thank you for your comment. :-) As little as that.... ordeal will matter in the long run, it was concerning me, and it helped a lot to know that you and others were praying for me!

    Your post was great. :-) It was a wonderful "break" from all the posts on HSB about "Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving anymore", that get kind of old.

    That said, I'm sorry that your faith is feeling weak. Whenever that happens to me, I pray, and focus on the things and people that show me how much God is <i>right there</i>. I'm glad that you have lots of people in your life that are concerned for you and your family!



  6. Thanks for sharing this. It is really a great reminder to be thankful for everything... even your mom's correction. hahah


    Yes, I know my Mom is right and yes, I don't want to hear that. hahaha

    I know about wising up too. I really don't want God to whip me into action.

    Yes, we can still be friends. hahaha... that was funny.

    Altho it has taken me long enough to reply to your comment you prolly already think that I am not your friend anymore. hahaha come read why i haven't been on tho.

    That was so nice of you to show me the picture.

    As Always,


  7. Have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

    "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting." Psalm 107:1

  8. There is a season for all things... and I am convinced that when we are being tried and tried, the Lord is in the process of refinement..... refining us to be polished and shine for HIM! Rejoice! It is so hard to go thru refinement! Oh do I understand! This year has been a year of much refinement........ and the Lord is working with this stubborn heart of mine.........


