
Crockpot to the rescue


 Fall weather gets me in a crock pot and oven using mood! Thought I would pass along this recipe I got from my Fix It And Forget It cookbook.

A crockpot is a homeschool mama's best friend! Is your's still in the pantry from summer time neglect? Pull it out and shine it up! Dinner will be healthy and ready on time!

-- Hamburger Potatoes --
Kiss your crockpot!
3 medium potatoes sliced

3 carrots sliced
2 Tb dry rice
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 lb ground beef browned and drained
1 1/2 to 2 cups tomato juice, as needed to keep dish from getting too dry

Place veggies on bottom of slow cooker to keep them moist during cooking. Add other ingredients and set cooker to Low for 6-8 hours.
I always add extra powdered garlic and onion to everything. Tomato soup mixed up (reconstituted) will substitute for the tomato juice.




  1. That recipe is just the thing I needed. Thanks. You never know who maybe blessed by something you post! Thank you for visiting my nature blog and leaving the kind comment.


    aka happycamper

  2. Hi. Nice meeting you! I have enjoyed reading your blog. We have a lot of similarities! (Kindred spirirts). I too have been trying to use my crock pot more and posting on this. I have several recipes posted and I have found many more recently. I will try yours, it sounds yummy! I will pray about your most recent post. I am sure that is a heavy burden to a mom's heart. The Lord is in Control ..and He knows the desires of your heart and your daughter's, etc. You are welcome to share the preschool list with your co-op. I posted it to share with others. It helps me when my brain is thinking of too much yet I need to find an activitiy for my younger ones. I will add you to my friends list on my blog. I hope you will do the same!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
