
Creative math counters


We have a lot of army guys we got from the Dollar Store recently and yesterday it dawned on me to use these guys for math counters! Much better than pinto beans like we always have used.
How cool is that?
Then I started thinking that hotwheels cars, Legos, toy lizards and frogs would work great, too.

For girls you could use Barbie shoes, beads, and barrettes.
Maybe everyone else in the world does these things already- but I thought I would share.


  1. Had to laugh at "Barbie shoes"--for we all know that we lose them so quickly, most of them are in "ones," not pairs. So they would make terrific counters!

    We used colorful milk jug caps, the kids really liked them.

    -- Barbara

  2. I like that one! I'm hoping to do more real math this year. I've kind of neglected it to some degree these past years. I'll have to try that one out!

    Yes, I'm loving the HOW stuff. I do so agree with it. I've loved the Bible reading I've started doing with all the kids so far and think it will work really well. I'm still only about 1/3 of the way through HOWTA, but read the other one already. So this is your first year with the program right? Do you have things all figured out for how you're doing it? Are you using any of her unit studies or putting things together yourself? My kids are all a little young for the unit studies, so I'll do some of my own things for a while I think. I still have 1/2 of the ECC of MFW left to finish up so I think I'll keep using that some this year along with HOW as I really like the ECC info and want my ds to finish learning about the world. I can altar it some for us. Anyways, thanks for the comment and encouragement! God bless!

