
Perfect for outdoor schooling!

Live in a warm area?
Perhaps you are into nature journaling or do math outside?

CHECK THIS OUT! A converting bench!


"Enjoy this best-seller as a standard garden bench, flip the back to create a bench and desk setup for student journaling, or turn two benches into one picnic table.


In just a couple of hours you can create a very sturdy bench, or convert it into a bench and table for outdoor classroom projects."

How groovy is that? 
And cheap, too!       Click here:  
Kids Gardening Store 



  1. Cool... Only a couple of hours hu?...I like!

  2. I love these benches. I lived in a house where the owners had left a set on the screened in porch. Unfortunately we didn't use them much. It was too hot during the three months that we lived there. We ended up having to leave, because the house had major electrical problems.

  3. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

    that is a cool bench! I really like your idea about the bible reading for 15 minutes a day or no breakfast. I must enforce that... so my girls learn at an early age how important it is to give the Lord your best...juliet

  4. thosecrazyandersonsJuly 15, 2007 at 10:44 PM

    We could definitely use something like this! I'm going to check it out!

  5. Very clever! I need one, too! Supposing hubby might not think I need one as much as I just want one! :)

  6. that looks awesome!

    i'm going to have to check it out.


  7. That is very cool!!
