
Listening to conviction

What I have been hearing, regarding our homeschool direction, is a radical shift from what I have been doing. A few years ago I had read about a method of homeschooling that was really different. It was intriguing to me, but I was intimidated with the whole thing and I moved on to something else. Last year the Lord showed it to me again. I felt a strong leading to it. My friend had been using this method herself and graciously let me borrow from her so I could get a better idea. It was Heart Of Wisdom. Hands down it was the classiest unit study I had ever seen. The classiest homeschool anything I had ever seen, barring Apologia and Master Books.  During this season, I know God was putting a bug in my ear. Ultimately He led me to use My Father’s World. After using MFW for a couple months, I was being called back to Heart Of Wisdom style- or Hebrew model. Not to use this method right away, but getting me ready for what was coming because He knew how it intimidated me.


Frankly, teaching in this method, Hebraic, is a serious departure from all homeschool curricula out there. No other company produces this type of material or promotes this kind of learning. I felt so convicted that I had not been teaching my children in the biblical method. The way Jesus taught. I had been teaching in a classical bent without knowing what damage I was really doing. I had no idea of the implications.

What further cemented this was taking this ‘test’ at

and reading Knowledge vs. Wisdom at


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