
Christian Romance: Set The Stage & Ignite the Spark!

Set The Stage For Romance & Ignite The SPARK!

Set the stage for romance.

Early in the day, send a note, text or email alluding to a night of special romance. Not too many details, just enough to make their heart beat just a bit faster.

When the time comes, light many candles of all sizes. Lower the lights and play soft music.
Make a trail of rose petals to invite them in to delight. Ask them to relax while you go prepare.

Let them wait in anticipation while you change into something more comfortable and sexy and return with a luxurious massage oil or lotion. Ask them to lie down and them give them a relaxing sensuous massage.

Enjoy the process. setting the stage and anticipation are very sexy and sure to kindle a spark!

Christian Marriage: Lifelong Romance & Passion

Christian Marriage: Lifelong Romance & Passion

Christian Marriage: Lifelong Romance & Passion -
A Christian marriage is full of adventure and passion.
Around every corner is a new challenge.

To be married and Christian brings unique issues. For example, we must keep our walk pure and righteous, we must be good parents BUT we are also commanded to be "one" with our spouses.
Obviously that can be a trial at times.

We should work all the more hard to kindle the spark and to choose to be "in Love" with our husband or wife all over again. In fact, we must choose this every day.
One way this becomes easier is through prayer. No doubt when we humble ourselves before the Lord, we experience a change in not only our own hearts but our spouse and in the family over all.
It really is miraculous.

Let us at Spark This Marriage be a part of your lifelong romance, you journey together. We have many tasteful and elegant items to choose from. Marriage books and dvd's, Christian lingerie for both ladies and gentlemen, Romantic bedroom items like massage oils and flavored lotions and much more.

Won't you make passion a priority in your marriage today? - Spark This Marriage - Tasteful Christian Lingerie and romantic bedroom gifts to spice up and kindle the spark in any godly loving marriage. Christian lingerie for ladies and gentlemen, massage oils, delightful sensual lotions, etc. Shop safely without exposure to "graphic material".

Tasteful Christian Lingerie and romantic bedroom gifts to spice up and kindle the spark in any godly loving marriage. 
Christian lingerie for ladies and gentlemen, massage oils, delightful sensual lotions, etc. 
Shop safely without exposure to "graphic material".
Tasteful Christian Lingerie and romantic bedroom gifts to spice up and kindle the spark in any godly loving marriage. Christian lingerie for ladies and gentlemen, massage oils, delightful sensual lotions, etc. Shop safely without exposure to "graphic material".

Christian Lingerie for married couples

Christian lingerie for married couples

Spark This Marriage http://sparkthismarriage.comSpark This Marriage is an online boutique for married christians to buy marriage items in a "visibly" safe way. No nudity, no pornographic material, no "live models".
We carry marriage books, marriage help dvds, massage oils, flavored lotions, lingerie for women, lingerie for men, Misses lingerie, plus size lingerie, queen size lingerie, diva size lingerie.

We are so excited to serve you and your spouse! Putting more SPARK into your love life is what we are all about! Married couples are our passion!

Our main goal is to help married people protect their marriage from a p-rn-graphy saturated world. It is the very reason we use mannequins. It is also the reason we do not provide items that have ladies or gentlemen pictured this way on unremovable packaging. We believe our customers appreciate this extra effort and that is why they come back and tell their friends.

Here at Spark we know that in marriage, every lady is gorgeous and every man is handsome. Every person is created beautiful, a work of art. We work hard to find tasteful romantic items and christian lingerie that will accommodate as many sizes, preferences and styles as we can. Let us know how we can serve you better on our contact page.  

Spicing up your lingerie will also spice up your life. Not just romantically, but overall. The bedroom of a married couple is a place of love, intimacy, trust and passion. Every married couple can use more spark! Why not start now?